Wednesday, 30 September 2015

What are the benefits to detoxification?


          Clear Thinking - A sweet benefit of detox is enriched thinking. Not only does it allow your body to eliminate all of the fogginess that comes with consuming lots of sugar and fat, it helps to improve concentration as well.

·         Decreased Colon Cancer Risk – There are a lot of toxins in the average diet today. With all of the foods we eat and the things that we drink, we put ourselves at risk for developing serious illnesses if we don’t detox. When toxic waste builds up in the digestive track, it can fester over long periods of time and can develop into polyps or cysts which can become cancerous. Detoxing can help to reduce that risk.

·         Stronger Immunity – Taking the time to cleanse your colon regularly can help to build up your immune system by simply allowing your internal organs to function normally. This can have many positive benefits from less illnesses experienced during the year, to even an increase in fertility because the body is allowed to get back into its natural rhythm.

Read more about our Detox Programs in Thailand