Friday 5 December 2014


Leaves you happier than you were when you started

Sitting in Lotus can help you if you’re feeling sad. You can equally take the King Dance pose or backbend. It might not be as simple as said, but study has proven that being consistent at Yoga practice will help increase serotonin levels as well as decrease monoamine oxidase (neurotransmitters breaking enzyme) level and cortisol. Richard Davidson, a doctor of philosophy at the University of Wisconsin, found that greater levels of immune function and happiness leads to heightened mediator activity in the left cortex. Only in dedicated, long-term practitioners was a more dramatic left-sided activation noticed
Could you stay on plant-based whole foods all through 30 days?

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Yoga lowers your blood pressure

For patients having high blood pressure, Yoga might be a plus. Two different studies on hypertensive patients examined the difference between simply lying on a couch and taking the Savasana (Corpse Pose). After 3 months of the research, there was a 26-point reduction in systolic blood pressure (the top number) in patients taking Savasana and a 15-point reduction in diastolic BP (bottom number – the drop is higher with higher initial BP).

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Yoga ups your heart rate

Depression or risk of heart attack is taken far from you when you engage your heart in serious aerobic exercises. Every Yoga practice that is aerobic in nature, vigorous engagement in most of the Yoga exercises will take your heart into the aerobic range. However, it does not mean that those Yoga exercises that can’t take your heart rate very high are not beneficial to the heart, they also improve cardiovascular functioning.

It has been established that Yoga boosts your endurance, maximum oxygen uptake and reduces the resting heart rate – all as a result of good aerobic conditioning. One study demonstrates that people who were taught only pranayama could endure more exercise using less oxygen.

Thursday 11 September 2014

Yoga for Health

Yoga Drains your lymph and also boosts immunity

 Your lymph (the viscous fluid in the body rich in immune cells) continues to drain as you move organs around, contract and stretch, and take one Yoga posture or another. As a result, the lymphatic system is able to protect your body against infections, kill cancerous cells, and eliminate toxic and cellular waste product from the body.

Monday 4 August 2014

Yoga Retreat

Hidden in the primal jungle of northwest Kohn Phangan, Thailand, just tend minutes from the pristine beaches of Haad Salad, you will find the Yoga Retreat. The peaceful and inspirational Thailand setting will motivate you to reach new levels in your personal practice. Here you will not only develop your yoga skills but also improve your life. At Yoga Retreat, you will be given the tools to promote your own self-healing and become your own personal teacher.

Guests of every experience level, from the novice to the lifelong yogi, are welcome at the Yoga Retreat. Turn your next vacation into a yoga break or add a stay at the Yoga Retreat to your tropical holiday. The teachers at the retreat will help you enhance your connection with your body and mind,and guide you on the journey to making your own personal metamorphosis. There are opportunities to positively change your life in through the study of yoga, chakra, healing, detox and meditation. The tools you will learn here will help you create a new lifestyle for better everyday living.
The Yoga Retreat was established in 2000 by owners/founder Teresa and Kes Kennard. The couple brought not only their passion and extensive experience for yoga, dance and Pilates into the creation of the retreat, but also their love for each other.They knew that Thailand was the perfect location for the Yoga Retreat because of its relaxed atmosphere and harmonious balance with nature. Their balanced, realistic approach is what is at the root of their methods and is what the retreat is founded on.
Classes at the retreat offer you a mix of simple postures along with poses that will challenge you. The teachers will provide you with alterations to poses to fit your body and strengths, and improve your weakness. They will help you to focus on your breath, bringing you full awareness of your body and mind. You will become energized and more aware. Your mind will become centered and you will find yourself feeling more balanced both physically and mentally. During your time at the retreat you will be able to improve your health, happiness and vitality.